In my last blog post on fast fashion I promised I'd share some tips for reducing the amount of fast fashion we buy, so here it is! Below you'll find lots of options for keeping your wardrobe fresh without giving into the temptation of fast fashion as a quick fix. If you've got good intentions to stop buying fast fashion but it's feeling like an overwhelming challenge, why not take part in Oxfam's Second Hand September ? Or if you want to start right now, you could do your own version in August instead! Once you've completed a month, hopefully quitting forever won't seem as hard. And if you do end up buying fast fashion, don't give up completely. Just like with any lifestyle change, slipping up is often inevitable, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Admit that you made a mistake, return the item if you can (or if not, make sure you get good wear out of it), and carry on with your commitment to buying less fast fashion. Lowering the amount...
Want to do your bit for the planet but don't know where to start? Keep an eye out for posts about cutting down on waste, eating plant-based and clearing up the confusion about looking after our planet.