I was chatting to one of my housemates about fast fashion brands the other day, and she was asking me what brands counted as fast fashion. I gave a pretty general explanation, but because the question caught me off guard I realised afterwards if I'd have done more research myself, I'd probably be able to give a better explanation! Even if you think you know what fast fashion is (like I did), it's worth giving this a read so you can make sure you have a really good idea, so you do a better job of explaining it to others (and avoiding it yourself!). Definition: Fast fashion is the process where fashion companies are reproducing clothing created by established designers, to fulfil customers' demands of high fashion and the latest trends for low prices. These production of these clothes has been made to be so cost and time-efficient that the clothes can be made available to consumers with a very quick turnaround, which is why many brands constantly have new items available ...
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